July 28, 2020

More Bloggy Trauma

By aarondkey

I pressed ‘+’ and ‘post’ and it seemed to bring me here. It’s a major step forward for me and I’ve written it down so I might remember it next time.

Next I’m going to investigate the three dots above to see if there’s a share option there. Not being able to share does seem to be a major downfall in this whole process. No it’s about Blocks (whatever they are.) I can envisage a future where I know exactly what they are and exactly what I’m doing. Can’t quite see yet how long it will be.

Just clicked on a picture of a cloud. It temporarily disappeared and then came back. Don’t know what that did. It’s quite fun this.😬😬

And then I pressed something else and I seemed to lose the whole thing. 5 minutes of panic and I’m back. Phew! I think installing a clever editor was a mistake. I just want to know how to share. Everyone else seems to manage it. Perhaps I shouldn’t be on WordPress. It is no doubt full of features but too complicated for an idiot like me.

Now I need to go out and walk the dog. I may have to publish in case I never make it back here again.