February 18, 2019

The wheel of Eight.

By aarondkey

Well I’ve taken some time to release the 2nd book of my series. “A Wheel of Eight.” It’s still not ready. Fans will have to sit on their hands in glorious anticipation for another few months.


** A lack of feedback for the first book knocked my massively fragile confidence.

A few more reviews have started to come through now which is definitely helping. I seem to need a drip feeding of ego massaging. So I will copy two of the new ones here.

Herai is an interesting tale of two versions of the same world. The characters and the ways their relationships develop is excellent, and the different plots had me engaged until the very end.

I rate Aaron D. Key’s “Herai” 5 out of 5 stars. I like how the author uses both third person and first person narratives to give us a better insight into all the characters’ thoughts and emotions. This really helped me care about what happened to the characters and got me excited for each new chapter. I look forward to another book in the series.

**Also if I am honest my head was not in the right place for editing a substantially written second book with a few obvious and annoying flaws.

But I’m backπŸ•ΊπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰.

I’m pondering how to get around these flaws and I’m beginning to see how it can be done.

The new book is called “Damon Ich” and I believe it answers some of the questions raised in Herai. Not all, obviously, or what would the other 6 books be about.

And in this series I am intending to knock readers sideways, and head over heels. Some of you won’t like it (as I did not like fencing when I had some lessons in a local sports centre. I had always thought fencing was something I was going to enjoy but actually I found the body poking quite irritating) but that’s a risk I have to take. Why? The story must be told.

But I hope that some of you will enjoy the acrobatics.

So we are looking at a release for Book 2 (Damon Ich) at the end of the year. At least that is my aim.

Update from Aaron.D.Key.