Web page Developments
Everyday I seem to learn something new about my blog. I’m keeping well away from the technical bits at the moment. Hopefully there’ll be time for that one day.
I’ve managed to enter a new page onto my website and I decided to quote extracts from Reviews of Herai. Not all of them made it to Amazon with a combination of the £50.00 spend rule and Amazon’s insistence on keeping reviews from different countries separate.
I’ve only typed extracts from 3 at the moment. I’m typing everything on my phone and it’s not fast. I’ve realised that the first 3 are not exactly overflowing with praise … but as I keep reminding myself, it doesn’t matter what I do, sales can’t get any worse. I think I’m working on the basis that the more words there are in my website the more likely it is to get picked up by google. Don’t know if this is a delusive hope … but it’s the only one I’ve got.
In other news Damon Ich edits are progressing. Just 3 slight issues.
- I’ve been stricken down by a bug, hopefully slowly recovering.
- My PC is refusing to pick up the document from OneDrive which is unfortunate as all current amendments are on the OneDrive version.
- My keyboard has gone mad. Refusing to let me use double speech marks ” I have to have a @ instead which doesn’t really work. Also it’s decided to move all the letters into different places which has slowed down the typing speed no end.
I throw these little moans out there in the vain hope that someone will read this and might have a cure to my woes.
If not, it doesn’t matter. I have decided that the universe is doing its best to stop me publishing Damon Ich and who am I to stand in the way of the Universe? It probably knows best, after all.
Actually I will probably still struggle on and hope the issues don’t result in a less than perfect result.