Tag: Timon

July 14, 2022

Gerald Reveals Some of the Truth

“I’ll pretend that’s an indication of how much you love me,” Timonthy said to keep the conversation light but he stored that in his mind. Gerard was threatening to become morose again. “I know we’ve only known each other two days but it did seem odd without you here,” Gerard admitted. Timonthy felt a yawning chasm within him open up. It was such a little […]

June 30, 2022

The Enigma of what happened to Gerald.

He wanted to stay. He could see that Paris wanted to stay and so Lizzie had to agree with them. It gave him time to work out what the situation was with Gerard and him and perhaps time to solve the mystery of why Paris was not her normal self. So there was nothing to do but to relax and as Stolid suggested, pretend he […]

April 21, 2022

Timon of Bath and London – The Bridal Suite

“I’d rather not be alone if I had the choice,” Timonthy said. Why he was reluctant to show any enthusiasm? Was it just to protect him from potential claims of being too pushy? No, although that was sometimes in his mind: he knew honestly it was because if he showed enthusiasm and then he was rejected it would make it feel so much worse. He […]

December 20, 2021

Book Five / Ext. 21

“Yes I will,” he promised. “And give it back to them after?” There was a definite tone in her voice that suggested she thought this would be foolish. “Well,” he thought about it, “as far as we know, this is what Stolid arranged, to look after his garden and house. I don’t see I will have any choice until we see Stolid and check with […]

November 11, 2021

Book 5/16

They both looked transfixed for a moment staring upwards. The coastguard helicopter was travelling quite low overhead. It was an impressive sight, Timonthy acknowledged, but Gerard’s enthusiasm in particular seemed a bit overdone, almost childlike. Timonthy carried on dressing. He was disappointed. He liked the look of Gerard but he would find it hard to really appreciate a man without full mental capacity. Not that […]