Tag: #mmromance

February 2, 2023

Unsettling Developments

“I wasn’t intending to go back to your house,” Timonthy said in a worried tone. He thought back to his daydreaming: wondering if it could become reality. “I was planning a holiday and then I need to go back to work.” “You can do that just as well as long as you stick together,” Stolid answered solemnly. “It makes no difference. To be honest I […]

January 26, 2023

Unexpected Confessions and Returning to calm

“I don’t want to hear any excuses,” Stolid said. In that moment Timonthy suddenly realised something. Stolid was wearing the same casual grey tunic and trousers he had been wearing at the nativity play. Although they didn’t look as respectable as they had then with blueberry stains and creases spoiling the look. “Did you go to a nativity play today?” he asked surprised. “To be […]

January 19, 2023

After the Storm and Lizzie’s Adventure

There was a knock on the door. “Hello, are you decent?” It was Lizzie’s voice. “Come in,” Timonthy invited her as Koa gave him a wry grin. “Stolid said you were being checked out because you’d had a shock. I wanted to make sure you were alright,” Lizzie gushed. “I’m completely fit apparently,” Timonthy boasted, “better than I’ve been for years probably. Have you been […]

January 6, 2023

Further Depressing Conversation.

“Did he say why he wanted to go home?” Timonthy asked knowing it wasn’t the point but he had to say something, still looking at Gerald in the distance with a lump in his throat. “He said, he thought I needed a break. I was not happy apparently and he wanted to go back somewhere we had been happy, he said. I said that might […]

December 29, 2022

Back to Sanity – Soul Searching!

“Is it so bad?” Timonthy asked. “I mean he still loves you. You know Johnathon has many good qualities but he’s never professed to be perfect before.” Stolid and it was Stolid this time, whatever the veneer of his new character had added to him, stared at him blankly. Timonthy felt uncomfortable. He knew that he had been shocked by Johnathon’s admission because he had […]

December 8, 2022

The Storm

“I’m not a youth,” Gerard protested. “Compared to me you are young.” “I’m not denying that I would prefer it if you were a younger man,” Gerard said solemnly. “But that can’t be, and it’s the ‘you’ that’s important, not your age. Yes, so Damon Ich is younger and beautiful, and could theoretically be any age he wanted to be, but he still isn’t you. […]

December 1, 2022

The Waterfall from a Different Angle

“Let’s go and have a look,” he suggested. He had this picture in his mind of a war canoe built out of a massive trunk but when they found the boats they were small and light, just right for one person to move quickly with a single oar, probably kayaks. Gerard dragged one canoe into a water and held it as if waiting for Timonthy […]

November 24, 2022

On the Way to the Lake.

“You’re still here,” Gerard said. “Did you find some tea then?” Timonthy waved his cup in his direction without speaking. He didn’t want to appear uninviting but he wasn’t sure that Gerard’s presence was useful then. Johnathon and he weren’t solving anything though, just sitting around bemoaning fate: not even fate, just consequences. Also he was aware he needed to talk to Gerard about recent […]

November 19, 2022

Johnathon’s Revelation and Stolid’s Downfall

“Well that’s not true,” Johnathon said indignantly. “I didn’t say that. He might have interpreted something I did as meaning that but I didn’t say it.” Now Johnathon was awake it didn’t seem right to perch on the end of the bed and Timonthy took his cup to the window seat. “Anyway Peter is not holding it against you,” he continued in case he had […]

November 3, 2022

Unreality settling in and More Disturbing Revelations.

“I’ll be there at dinner,” Peter said. “Doing my best to answer any questions that Gerard can’t answer. He’ll be more forthcoming now that he is no longer obliged to keep Stolid’s secrets. I’ve just got something I need to do first.” He disappeared before they realised and they stared at each other across the empty space. “He can travel wherever he wants,” Paris commented […]